Article 25 believes that buildings, whether ostentatiously or quietly inspiring, play a keyrole in changing and improving lives. While economic and environmental issuespreviously prevented sites like the 168-acre Carson site from redevelopment, as Article25 Trustee Lord Norman Foster affirms: “As a designer I have always been driven by abelief that the quality of our surroundings directly influences the quality of our lives. Thedriver for an engineering approach to materials design is meeting a specific need formaterials performance in the context of a system. Environmental technology andconstruction methods can rehabilitate properties once thought unusable, whether in theworkplace, at home or in the public spaces that make up our cities. Such a perspectivenecessitates the focus of the design activity on the wider context of the application.These properties are typically called Brownfields sites and there are hundreds that havebeen safely rehabilitated for public and private use. Architecture is a social art – anecessity and not a luxury. It is generated by the needs of people, both spiritual andphysical. Combinations of properties must be considered within specified process, cost,environmental and life cycle constraints.
1. Welch, AJ, AJ Welch, AJ Welch, and AJ Welch. 2011. 'Article 25 Projects -
Architecture Charity - E-Architect'. E-Architect.
2.,. 2015. 'SCS Engineers Helps Win Approval For California Stadium |
Civil + Structural ENGINEER'.
3. 'Computational Materials Design And Engineering: Materials Science And
Technology: Vol 25, No 4'. 2015. Materials Science And Technology.

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